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DETAIL MAN, a novel of the pharmaceutical industry, covers forty-years of a pharmaceutical salesman and his company. In four decades of medical evolution, industry, doctors, and government affected changes not always in the best interests of patients. Ethics is sometimes best practiced by the one who is face to face with the doctor. Learn what pharmaceutical sales entails. Discover the hilarity, dedication, and enjoyment in being a Detail Man.
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TALES of the RIO RIVER RATS is a history of the author’s pilot training classmates, a varied group of student pilots who went to war in the 1970s during Vietnam’s final years. Twenty-five years later the men named the Rio River Rats came back together to continue a comradery that now spans over fifty years. They are telling stories of their facing challenges and enemies, losing comrades-in-arms, and living full and productive lives. Filled with a mix of excitement, hilarity, sadness, fear, and triumph, find out what real military pilots think and can achieve.
Look for TALES of the RIO RIVER RATS in 2025.